UNITED EUROPE ASSOCIATION is a non-governmental organization formed by members with experience and a very good training.
In the 9 years of existence we have conducted information campaigns and awareness promoting and supporting European values and social inclusion with activities in areas of public interest and of some communities.
The main mission of the Association for a united Europe is to promote and support social inclusion to ensure and protect the rights of children, families and their community through partnerships credible, transparent and efficient with public institutions.
We also want to promote and support a society based on freedom and responsible, supporting European values, ensuring compliance with the four freedoms enshrined in the EU (free movement of persons, free movement of goods, free movement of services and free movement of capital) .
In addition to these activities the organization has extensive experience in working with people of different ethnicities obtained by participating, from beginning until now with approximately 300 volunteers each election ballot as independent and apolitical observers to ensuring democratic elections electoral process and respect the rights of minorities in the electoral process. Following these activities the members of the organization have improved organizational capacity and have acquired extensive experience in working with people of different ethnic groups in different rural communities.
- Organizing training courses, seminars, trainings, workshops, conferences, scientific sessions, roundtables, debates, and organizing marches, public events and other activities of public awareness.
- Consultancy and advice to people interested in the field of human rights, development of civic consciousness and other areas of interest concerning public life.
- Develop their own programs and partnership arrangements with national and international public authorities and regional development programs.
- Development of their economic activities to generate funds.
- The exchange of ideas and information between members of society.
- Supporting and promoting young, low percentage of youth unemployment, marginalization and poverty fighting, physical activity and sport as a tool to promote a healthy lifestyle, social inclusion and active participation, environmental challenges and climate change, as and activities on creativity and entrepreneurship.
- Conducting training for SME managers in order to gain knowledge and technical capacity necessary for survival in the European market.
- Creating a European information networks between associations and foundations that have as main objective the European integration.
- Promoting and encouraging volunteering.
- Actions to increase the visibility of the EU in Romania. Actions to promote environmental policies in accordance with environmental policies promoted by the European Union and actions for implementation and support of all measures of recycling, conservation, protection and improvement of the environment, the effective implementation of EU environmental legislation, minimizing risks health and the environment from pesticide use.
- Strengthening cooperation with civil society.
- Activities that have as main minorities.
- Promoting the participation of citizens and NGO’s in all aspects of public life.
- Running in rural areas of information campaigns about the accession process and programs with external funding. Training modules for teaching and learning traditional crafts, development of entrepreneurial skills to start a business in rural areas and use of ICT. Organizing workshops for the target group to promote traditional crafts. Training of persons employed in subsistence agriculture, regional seminars.
- Promoting democracy and human rights.
- Promoting equal opportunities in employment for vulnerable groups such as young unemployed long term, women in special situations and promoting social inclusion of social groups at high risk of exclusion from the labor market programs to create more jobs and better, improve health, safety and quality work environments.
- Improving social environment through programs to create more jobs and better, improve health, safety and quality work environments, provide people traveling to other countries access to social benefits, to promote research, limiting public exposure electromagnetic fields and chemical or biological compounds that could harm their health and development finance poorer EU economies.
- Support in solving citizens for the following target groups: drug addicts or people at risk of becoming addicted to drugs, alcohol, people with disabilities, minorities and ethnic minorities, incurably ill, the elderly. All proposed actions will aim at reducing disparities in order to obtain equal treatment for all, while maintaining self-respect and dignity.
- Activities for young people: providing career guidance counseling, promoting volunteering, fostering associativity young, developing partnerships and involving young people in community life, youth cultural consumption growth, information and education about national values, the values of the EU, environmental protection and encouraging youth sport and tourism, promotion, support and reward young talent.
- Promoting democracy through: activities on human rights, civic education, the fight against corruption.
- Supplier training and development training courses.
- Improving ethnic and interracial relationships.
- Programs to encourage renewable energy and development of European environmental actions and measures for ensuring a safe and healthy planetary environment.
- Preventing social exclusion, abuse suffered by children, women, persons with disabilities, the elderly and minorities.
- Developing and publishing books, periodical publications, leaflets, posters, brochures, software and other informational materials.
President: Irina Anghelina
Vice President: Marin Badea
Secretary General: Elena- Mihaela Irimia
Members: Niky- Liviu Vrabie
Costel- Neculai Dunava
Delia- Oana Dunava
Nicolae Zaharia
Liviu- Claudiu Doros